2023 6th International Conference on Smart Engineering Materials (ICSEM 2023) will be held in Bangkok, Thailand during September 18-20, 2023. The main aim of ICSEM is the creation of the international forum of scientists for the presentation of the newest achievements and investigation results in vacuum and plasma techniques, synthesis, characterisation and application of smart engineering materials, its derivatives and other wide bandgap materials. Over time, the scope of the conference has expanded to include nanomaterials, biomaterials and new functional materials, in the range of production, design and optimisation of the synthesis and modification technologies, as well as discussion of current achievements in the field of cooperation between the scientific units and industry from different countries of the world.
accepted papers with registration and presentation will be published
in Materials Science Forum, (ISSN print 0255-5476 / ISSN web 1662-9752)
which is indexed by Scopus and other main database.
ICSEM 2020: Materials Science Forum (Volume
Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Volume
Indexed by Scopus and Ei Compendex (Read
We sincerely welcome you to attend ICSEM 2023. There are 3 types of registration as following:
Full Paper Registration(Presentation and Publication):
Authors need to submit full paper before submission deadline, which will
go through the preliminary review and peer review
system. Review result will be sent out by the notification date.
Accepted papers after registration and presentatioin will be included in the conference proceedings.
Abstract Registration(Presentation Only):
Prospective participants need to submit the abstract
ONLY before submission deadline.
The conference committee will perform a brief review, and results will be given around one to two weeks.
Listener Registration(No publication/presentation):
(Register Now!)
You're simply required to fill out the information online for listeners and
proceed with the payment before registration deadline. We'll contact you after we
reviewed the registration.
Co-Sponsored by

Technically Supported by

Important Dates
July 25, 2023
Notification Deadline: August 15, 2023
Registration Deadline: August 25, 2023
Latest News
8 January, 2021 Good News! ICSEM 2020 papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus! (More)
26 October, 2020 Good News! ICSEM 2020 papers have been published in Materials Science Forum (Volume 1013)! (More)
11 May, 2020 Good News! Welcome Prof. Dae-Eun Kim, from Yonsei University, South Korea join ICSEM 2021 as Invited Speaker!
8 May, 2020 Good News! Welcome Prof. Takashige Omatsu(Fellow of JSAP, OSA, SPIE), from Chiba University, Japan join ICSEM 2021 as Tutorial Speaker!
7 May, 2020 Good News! Welcome Prof. Anja Pfennig, from HTW-Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany join ICSEM 2021 as Invited Speaker!
22 April, 2020 Good News! Welcome Prof. Nguyen Quang Liem, from Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam join ICSEM 2021 as Keynote Speaker!
17 April, 2020 Good News! Welcome Prof. Frank Otremba, from Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Germany join ICSEM 2021 as Keynote Speaker!
21 March, 2020 Good News! ICSEM 2021 will be held in Nha Trang, Vietnam during January 8-10, 2021!
20 Februrary, 2020 News! ICSEM 2020 Conference Program is available now!
31 December, 2019 News! Final submission deadline extended to Jan. 20, 2020 !
18 August, 2019 News! Welcome Prof. Jie Yang, Prof. Huang Chien-Yi and Dr. Yew Hoong Wong join ICSEM 2020 as Technical Committee!
18 July, 2019 News! Welcome Prof. Stephen John Pennycook(National University of Singapore) deliver keynote speech at ICSEM 2020! (More)
09 July, 2019 News! Welcome Prof. Jordi Arbiol (CSIC and BIST, Spain) deliver keynote speech at ICSEM 2020! (More)
18 May, 2019 News! ICSEM 2020 will be held in National University of Singapore, Singapore during March 6-8, 2020.
19 March, 2019 News! ICSEM 2019 was successfully held in Auckland, New Zealand during 09-11 March, 2019.
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